Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Two Years With Molluscum.

Okay, I have been dealing with MC for the last two years. I have read more books, blogs, websites, and anything I could get my hands on to educate myself about this horrible skin disease. I am going to lay out everything I know, everything I've tried that works and doesn't work so that hopefully I can help you get rid of this a heck of a lot faster than I certainly did!

For those of you who have just found out you have this, you're probably wondering what the heck it is! In my experience, the doctors weren't much help with this. Two years ago I had a couple bumps on the back of my thighs. Thinking they were something related to acne, dry skin, or something else I pretty much ignored them. When I started noticing more I went to the doctor.
The first doctor told me it was an infection from shaving and if I stopped it would go away. When that didn't work I went to a dermatologist who told me it was MC. She basically told me it is an STD and that it would go away on its own.
Okay, let's stop right there.
First of all, MC is an extremely common skin condition. Yes, it can be transferred through sex and oral sex, but what my doctor didn't tell me is that it can also be caught from swimming pools, dirty gym equipment, tanning beds, and simply by coming in contact with skin infected with it. So, it is truly not the end of the world and its absolutely not life threatening or always an STD. I was lucky enough to keep my MC contained on my thighs and butt (about as lucky as you can get with this horrible thing.)
So, I began going to my dermatologist to have these bumps frozen off. It's incredibly painful and I scarred very easily, granted I scar from pretty minor things. This seemed to get rid of the big ones but new ones ALWAYS came back. I spent over $150 dollars in dermatology appointments and six months of my time doing this "treatment". I very strongly advise you to skip this. It is not worth it. For such a common disease, doctors don't seem to have a whole lot of information about it. Four of them told me it would go away on its own, mine did not. I haven't read any cases on blogs/internet/wherever where that has been the case either. Of course, your experience may certainly differ from mine.
So, I was completely fed up with this disease and really wanted to wear shorts again and generally get my confidence back! So here's what worked for me: (again, this worked for me, and your results certainly may be different.)

First, let's start of with the rules. This whole plan is a hassle and basically a pain in the butt, but it is so worth it when your skin is clear and MC free.

Rule #1: Do not have sex!! Please oh please do not spread this thing around, it is just such a pain! I know it totally sucks and you feel unsexy enough already with gross little bumps all over you, but having sex just spreads it back and forth from your partner to you. That goes for oral sex and generally fooling around as well.

Rule #2: DO NOT SHAVE OR WAX. I cannot stress this one enough. Your MC will literally be everywhere you shave if you do. MC is a tiny bump with a white 'core' inside of it. When you shave you are basically cutting off the top layer of the bump. This allows pieces of the core to be spread around. The core of MC is INCREDIBLY contagious. Don't do it! This was really hard for me, but it is worth it.

Rule #3: DO NOT SWIM. Hanging around in a wet bathing suit is a breeding ground for MC. Don't do it. I've read a couple things about salt walter helping, but I haven't tried that myself.

Rule #4: NEVER REUSE A TOWEL: Wash your shower towel (I would recommend only showering, not taking baths giving how MC thrives in a moist environment) every single time you use it! Use bleach whenever possible and wash on hot/sanitary cycle. Honestly, this made the most noticeable difference for me. It's a pretty big pain and you're going to feel like you're doing laundry all the time, but its worth it. I read on another blog, some people used paper towels to dry off rather than constantly doing laundry. Also, dry off immediately after your shower! Keep the area as dry as possible.

Rule #5: DO NOT USE LOTION: You're skin is going to need some serious TLC by the time your MC is gone, but do not use lotion. It's too moist and will only make MC spread.

Rule #6: DO NOT WEAR TIGHT PANTS: MC affects pretty much all areas of your life. IT SUCKS! Your lifestyle, the way you dress, it's just awful. But trust me, tight pants make it worse.

Rule #7: DO NOT PICK, POP, OR SCRATCH. You've probably read about some people popping these little suckers and getting rid of them. In my experience that causes them to spread. If you are dead set on carving them out, let the dermatologist do it. It's quite painful and my worst scars are from that.

RULE #8: WASH EVERYTHING! Wash your sheets at least every two or three days. Use bleach/hot water whenever possible. Never wear pants/underwear/or whatever touches your skin more than once. Again, your laundry load is going to be pretty extreme.

Okay, that's basically all of the things I know for fact you should do to prevent spreading as much as possible. Here's some more things I did that worked for me.

Quit smoking. Quit drinking. MC is a virus, which means its living in you and you cannot take antibiotics to fight it. Your body has to fight it on its own. So it's important to keep your immune system in good shape. I'm not sure if this had a direct affect to fighting my MC but it's not a bad habit to get into regardless. I started taking a multi vitamin everyday, being more conscious of what I was eating, and exercising a little everyday. As far as exercising goes, shower immediately after. Drink tons of water. I literally felt like I was drinking my weight in water. Water helps your body push toxins out of your skin, so I felt like this would help. Again, even if it didn't, I feel healthier than ever. V8 is a good source of vitamins as well. Vegetables are incredible for skin health. Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes are really good for your skin.

Shower everyday and more than once! I threw away all my loofahs and all my wash rags, as those can harbor/spread MC. Use only your hands to wash. I used anti-bacterial body wash (Dial sells a few that smell pretty good) and I also used Neutrogena liquid acne wash over the infected areas. I read that salicylic acid can help MC and Neutogena has the highest over the counter dose in it. After showering, dry off immediately and again do not reuse that towel until you wash it in HOT water!

I tried everything under the sun to get rid of this stuff. I even bought an at home wart freezing kit, which did not work by the way, just stung like crazy and left some minor scars. I tried the popping thing and that was messy and way too risky to have them spread. If you do have one that is just screaming that it needs to be popped, make sure you use tweezers, not your fingers. the virus can stay on your fingers and under your nails and can be spread so easily. When you do pop one, a small white ball should come out and the bump will bleed a ton! Use alcohol on the tweezers, your skin, and the bump and cover it with a band aid. But like I said, in my experience they spread very easily.

I also read urine can help MC, I was never brave enough to try this one however.

I read on a few blogs that apple cider vinegar helps get rid of MC. I was so desperate to get rid of this I was about ready to just cut my legs off so I figured I would give it a try. Please keep in mind that on many forums/sites about MC people will try to sell you things that "work" to "cure" MC. Don't buy into it. You can spend hundreds of dollars on that crap. Don't waste your money. I did however try ZymaDerm, which you can buy at Walgreens. It seemed to keep certain MC bumps contained but most certainly didn't heal anything or make it go away. It also turned my skin a weird color around the bumps, I believe from the iodine in it.
So, I bought a couple things of apple cider vinegar, which you can get an any grocery store. Walmart sells it pretty cheap. I've found that Heinz better than generic brands with 5% acidity. I also bought a BUNCH of water proof bandaids. I recommend the NexCare brand, they are little bit less harsh on the skin (they don't have as much of the sticky area). At first I tried normal bandaids, which of course just let the apple cider vinegar drip everywhere and it smells so strong! I've heard of people poking the top of your MC bump before putting the apple cider vinegar on it, I have only done it a couple times not feeling that it was totally necessary.

So every night before I went to bed I cut cotton balls into smaller sizes and soaked them in the apple cider vinegar. I put the soaked cotton ball on the MC bump and put a water proof bandaid over it. Then I left it there all night long. It's a little uncomfortable to sleep in, especially at the beginning when you have a ton of bandaids on.
I did this for a few weeks to get them all. I left them on all night and removed them in the morning and showered using antibacterial soap and the Neutrogena soap as well. I have incredibly sensitive skin, so the worst part was the red marks left by the bandaids. You can put a little bit of A&D ointment on that if you have a similar reaction. After this your MC bump should be pretty red and ugly. It'll look bigger and worse. In my experience in the course of about a week the bumps turn either black or a nasty dark red. It eventually turns white and just kinda scabs off. Some of the bigger ones take a little longer to heal. You can use peroxide and neosporin to avoid infection if they seem to be getting infected or not healing fast enough. I also bought 91% rubbing alcohol and rubbed that on the areas around where I put the bandaids. This can dry out your skin and I'm not totally sure if it had a significant effect on keeping them from spreading. Don't be discouraged when more pop up, this tended to happen to me when I got my immune system back in order. It means your body is doing what it is supposed to, it's finally reacting to them and turning the tiny, microscopic ones red. It helped me to take a shade off a lamp and hold it up to my legs to see the little tiny ones so I could get them with the apple cider vinegar. The apple cider vinegar treatment can sting quite a bit, especially on the big suckers. In my experience of trying a thousand different things this is the only one that worked. I have a couple scars from it, but I would certainly rather have a scar that will fade in time rather than a bunch of red bumps! The smell is of apple cider vinegar is pretty intense so I would definitely not recommend wearing the bandaids when you're around anyone. And the a few months later when you are all healed and you smell that stuff, you are going to want to vomit. Also, the apple cider vinegar is acidic, so if you leave it on too long it has the potential to burn your skin. When my skin got a little red from it, I would put a little big of A&D ointment on it. It took me a while to figure out that a little bit of apple cider vinegar goes a long way. You can cut the cotton ball pretty tiny so you just cover the bump and not to much of the surrounding skin.

I really really really hope this works for anyone out there struggling with this. I feel your pain! It's a confidence sucking pain in the butt and hopefully one day they will find a simpler cure for this thing. I'm going to pray for anyone who looks at this site and I truly hope it helps you! Again, this is only my experience and yours my differ. I hope my horrible experience can at least shorten the experience for others. Good luck and don't lose hope! It will go away, I promise!

As far as scarring goes, I am going to try mederma. I made a home made sea salt scrub that has helped my skin to recover from all this. It's equal parts course sea salt (available at any grocery store for very cheap!) and olive oil. I use it in the shower after I shave and it leaves my skin really smooth. The salt promotes new skin cells and the olive oil helps scars fade. Again, good luck with everything. I know this is pretty much the worst thing you could imagine having on your skin. But its going to get better! Don't lose hope :]


  1. My daughter has molluscum right now. I swear by tea tree oil. We are on our third day of using it and all of the bumps have dried up. We are keeping very clean and not using the same towels. But the tea tree oil goes on each bump. She is a kid so i am not putting bandaids all over her legs. It seems to be working soooo well. We use tea tree oil for everything. Just a thought for people to try with kids because some of the other options are probably to harsh for kids.

  2. Iodine and evisceration worked the best for me. Cryo, cantharidin and salicylic acid kinda-sorta worked. Honestly, the best method (for me) was to use multiple treatment options at the same time.

    I have some more information here:

  3. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this experience, it is working beautifully for my son. He has had MCV for 1.5 years (he's almost 2) and most bumps responded to the ACV cotton ball soak in ONE NIGHT.

    I am a pharmacist and will be recommending ACV as first line treatment for MCV to my patients. Everything else is either ineffective, too slow, too expensive, or not gentle enough for young children. Bless you for sharing!!!


  4. Thanks for sharing. I also have MC, and have been to the dermatologist three times so far for curettage. Every time, some have been missed or they have come back. It has been about 2 months now and I am going to try apple cider vinegar. I just wanted to know, should you use the apple cider vinegar every night? And how long does it take the MC to react to the vinegar? I used it for one night, and am not seeing much results.

    Just curious of your experience.

    Thanks for your blog, you have no idea how much it helped to read another's experience who was not a kid.

  5. Anonymous, I have it too - I caught it from my son, who caught it from my niece. It started on my shoulder where his "bumpy" arm always touched mine and to my horror, somehow spread to my face. I am doing the ACV treatment once, sometimes twice a day for the bumps and leave it on for 1 - 4 hours, depending on what's convenient. If it weren't my face (I have VERY sensitive skin) I would leave it on all night. You will notice a difference after 1 - 3 nights. Keep it up, the ACV works!

  6. 15, and in highschool, so when i figured out i had them on my neck i was gutted, anyway, so people are commenting and staying away from me..... because the dont understand, i caught it off my little sister, if any doctors say teens and adults wont catch it, that is a load of tosh, anyway so im just starting putting cider vinegar on mine because i cant even imagine how depressing it would be if they spread to my face...... anyway, so i really hope this does work!!!! :)

  7. Has anyone tried Terrasil?
    I'm thinking I might become suicidal over this. I'm in a relationship that started 1 year ago and I've been faithful but have come down with this. My girlfriend travels for a living and I suspect she may have been the source of this. I have to tell her about it but no sex for 6 months to 4 years? That will kill us, if we survive the possible accusations. How do you deal with the psychological aspects of this? I'm in my middle age--I thought this was a younger person's disease.

    1. No need to be suicidal over this. This is a skin virus and in most cases, the virus can be caught from random things like saunas, towels, tanning beds, hotel room bed sheets etc. It is quite common amongst adults in fact. Doctors will tell you otherwise, in fact they probably won't guide you in anyway. The lesions are not contagious unless they burst and the waxy white stuff is released. If they remain unpicked, you are less likely to pass it on to your partner. Hope this helps and hang in there.

    2. Hate to break it to you, but the bumps are contagious even if they don't burst. I got it over a year ago and my boyfriend and I just passed it back and forth to each other from sex. I know it sucks, but it's better in the long run if you don't have sex for now, or be SUPER CAREFUL and try to cover up areas that might rub up against each other. Honestly, the fastest and best way I've gotten rid of them is to poke them with a needle, try to get all the white stuff out, and then spray the crap out of it with rubbing alcohol/hydrogen peroxide. Clean the needle between bumps with rubbing alcohol as well. This is the absolute cheapest method, and I prefer it, because I can see and control what I'm doing. Unfortunately, I still have some, because they're on my ass and the backs of my legs and I can't see or reach there to pop them. Good luck, and remember, a month of no sex is better than feeling disgusting for over a year.

    3. Terrasil works!! Try it. I bought the cheapest one (as there are two different strengths of it). It work within a day or do. Doesn't scar either. ACV does work but it stings and leaves scars if the virus is down deep in your skin.

  8. my ten year old boy caught it at football. ive tried the expensive cream, not enough results considering the expense. also i tried the cider vinegar. it worked ok but it drove him crazy to have the cv soaked cotton balls band-aided to his arms until they dried up. finally, i thought about nail polish remover. yay !!!!!!!! i think we finally figured it out. they are drying up and i dont see new ones forming. i apply it a couple times a day and after a week or so started seeing results. i chose that method b/c i figured the alcohol would work as a drying agent. i just rub it on w/ cotton balls. i also started him on a multivitamin since this is a immune-deficiency thing. i wish all of you lots of luck cause i know how much this sucks. my kid has been wearing long sleeves for 8 months now. even at bedtime. his brother has not caught it. neither have i or his dad. just never reuse your towels and keep it covered if you can !! good luck !!!

    1. My son started with molluscum after contact with his
      cousin (who had it and we didn't know until it was too
      late). At first it was mild and then what seemed like
      overnight, it started to spread and the spots became
      larger and more painful. I was desperate to find
      something to help. We were told to let them run their
      course, but that wasn't going to work for me. I
      researched and tried several home remedies to no avail. a friend introduce me to this doctor called Dr jatto, he gave me herbal medicine for my son right now as I am shearing these testimony my son is perfectly okay. you can also reach him or whatsapp +2348145243120
      he told me he can cure all types of sickness like.
      plantar wart
      low sperm count
      zika virus
      penis enlargement
      and many more......

  9. I had it for 8 months on both my thighs,buttocs,under my scrotum,and around my was HORRIBLE!until I finally got the courage to do something about it and it took 3 days to get rid of them and havent had any for a year and a half.what I did is I grabbed a needle and burned the tip then used rubbing alcahol to disenfect,mc has dead skin on top of the virus so this makes it very easy for you to pick the dead skin on top of the virus CAREFULLY and try to take out as much of th white virus as possible then squeeze it with your nails like a zit but start from the base and squeeze up until only blood comes out,after that put apple cider vinegar until it burns then disenfect it wit rubbing alcahol and put some antibacterial cream on.this is what worked for me and others just remember to have someone help you for the ones you cant see or use a mirror,my girlfriend helped me so dont be shy to ask.its not the end of the world youll get rid of them sooner or later god bless and good luck.

  10. HELP ME!!! I have had molluscum for 2 years now and it is driving me INSANE!!!! They are randomly popping up in the weirdest places, not in groups. My doctor has popped several of them but it is kinda painful. If u have a fast and easy treatment please let me know!!!! :'(

  11. I need help too! I am an adult with Molluscum and have only had this for a few weeks - but at first I thought it was an allergic reaction to detergent. Finally I went to my doctor and told me the same story - I have Molluscum and it should go away on it's own. I thought it was "no big deal" but, I realize now that it may drive me nuts.

    First of all, they itch. The websites don't say that, but mine itch. I am struggling because mine are all over the trunk of my body with some on my upper arms and legs. I have too many to treat individually and to put bandaids on. So far I've read Tea tree oil, Silvercure, and Apple Cider Vinager work for people. The Silvercure is expensive - I'd spend the money if i knew it really worked.

    Any advice for all over treatment? As an adult with the virus, it is very frustrating (especially being in a new relationship and not being able to be intimate). In reading about the virus, it seems that it thrives in warm/damp climates. I recently started taking hot yoga, I can only assume that is where i got it. Very frustrating. Please help!

    1. For all over treatment, try nightly (or even twice daily) baths. You can use several cups of Apple Cider Vinegar in the bath, and you can mix it with Epsom salt as well. Both are extremely cheap, too.

    2. Don't bath! You must only shower as because if you bath you will be sitting in the water contaminated by the virus. What worked for me is duct tape. I cleaned the spots with salvon (you can any anti-bacterial product) then covered them with duct tape. I left the duct tape on for one day then pulled it off in the shower. I repeated this process every other day for a week and also put tea tree on them every other day. After doing this they ceared up within two weeks

  12. Thankyou so much for sharing this, i will try EVERYTHING! I have tried pulling them off but then i see new ones. the first one i got was on my neck and everyone was asking me what it was and saying "eww" im only 14 so i know i won't be having sex for a few years so i guess i don't have that to worry about because it should be gone by then, however that doesn't make this any less horrible. The only way to describe molluscum is.. petrifying!! The idea of something having control over my body and there is nothing i can do about it. I recently went on holiday and as i have now got it on my legs i couldn't go in the pool and i was missing out, i just saw all the other girls n thier bikini confident and nothing wrong with there smooth skin.. it hurts emotionally. Everyday i think, "oh never mind it will be gone soon" and i keep touching them (not that this is a good idea) to see if they have got smaller. Once this has gone i will raise awarness and do everthing i can to get the doctors to find the cure that works!! i dont get why they find cures for deathly deseases but not this!!! if you are going through this traumer the same as me its just comforting to know im not alone in this battle. I'm in high school, ive has this for about 8 months now and i can't handle it its driving me insane, especially as being a teenager!! every little thing is ten times bigger but this is big! ive got it on my neck, yes, my neck, the place you can't hide!

    Okay so enough of the moaning... they don't ich and haven't come up in a rash so i hope its going to go soon. i do find small lumps arise and then go hard and dissapear, i do hope its molluscum thats coming and going because atleast that shows my body is fighting it.

    Nobody deserves this, nobody, but here we are, we are going to be SO strong after this, So so strong so lets not let this bring us down. In some ways im lucky to get it at this age rather than later on because im not at the age for intercose and wont be for a coupple of years so in some ways im lucky and others...well i got molluscum.. so in other ways im so unlucky. well i just have to be greatful for how bad some people get this and ive not got it so bad.ive heard that after this you are immune, so once its gone we shall all get up, strut around in our bikinies while the rest live in fear. LETS NOT LET THIS GET US DOWN! Even though nobody may take the time to read this, it has really helped me to spill out all my feelings, so in one way or enother, thanks, lets fight this!!

    1. I typically would not even write on one of these but as far as MC goes i have been battling this with my 2-3 year old son for a little over a year. He had a severe case all over his stomach and arms. He had over 100 little bumps. Like any other concerned mother we went to the dermatologist and every doctor says the same thing "it will go away in time, leave it alone" :/ How can any mother just sit back and watch these little bumps eat their childs body up and not do anything about it. It is heart breaking! I tried every perscription medicine, nothing worked. With him coming from a family of psoriasis and eczema history I just knew it would take four years for my son to over come this. I was terrified of it spreading to his face and keep multipling. I researeched daily and tried many remedies. I feel my story with MC is important to share with what I have tried as of right now..
      I cant promise it is what worked or will work for another child but I am seeing a HUGE improvement in my own child. I started using hand sanitizer a lot on my hands as well as my sons. Sometimes I would even rub his arms with hand sanitizer. I bought sanitizer packs that was gentle enough to use on his face that kills germs as well. Nightly, I put benzoyl peroxide acne cream on his face and sometimes on his bumps. Other nights I did the ACV, soaked a cotton ball and put a bandaid over it for the night time. (do not forget to mix it with water, it does sting a bit if it isnt) That does kill off the bump itself. It takes a few night time treatments though. My son would take baths and I put a little ACV in his water as well. I bathe his bumps with ance face wash. (you never know what might work:)) Every morning he takes a Flintstone vitamin that is for the immune system. I TRY to keep a shirt on him at all times. Yes, My son does have discoloration on his stomach which is slightly noticeable being he is bi-racial. I do not notice many indention scaring from the bumps though. It has been 13 months, he still has a few bumps left but I feel as if I can see the light at the end. I cant say what I did worked but hey, its worth a try!! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  13. HI, I'm 45 yrs old, and it had mc since July. Started as one that I felt around my bottom, I went to see the doc, apparently I had got 2 others down there as well, he froze them. The doc didn't act like it was a big deal. I thought that was it. Boy was I wrong! FEw months later I Have now got them on my neck, chest, in my hair and on my shoulder. My leg had a big one that got a little infected and it looks like I Have smaller ones developing. I feel so depressed, I Have been having a weepy day today! I think I have made them spread through scratching, my skin Is so god Damn itchy. SO DON'T SCRATCH!. I Have read everything I can on the internet, my husband says I'm obsessed, who wouldn't be? I don't think he under stands how bad I feel. I think I caught them from usIng a lie down Sun bed, I usually use stand up ones. BIg mistake! I am trying the squeezing method and acv, I take 2 vitamin pills. I read on another site about some homeopathic pills , going to check that out tomorrow. I don't know if my immune system is affected by this but I Have got episodic ataxIa. I vaguely remember my consultant saying that I was susceptible to things so maybe so. My gp wouldn't known so these is no point even asking him. AS for sex , starting to forget what it is, and I guess that by the time this goes if ever , I won't remember at all. Well all I can do is carry on as I Have , nothing else to do really. I can't believe there is not a cure for this yet, no one seems really bothered. I will let you know how I get on with the homeopathIc tablets, who knows they might help!

  14. I used epsom salts. Bingo. Bath time, bandaids, whatever would expose the virus to the salt. However, my pediatrician son believes the meds I was applying (prescription immune meds: imiquimod?) are what did the work, and the Epsom just coincided with the grand finale. Spoken like a true doctor. The only remaining problem is what the doc called the "giant". Is on her cheek, a very visible and protruding flat of yet not able to attack this successfully. Determination and perseverance seem to be the key.

  15. MC is probably one of the most frustrating things to go through. Mine started with one bump on my leg, thought it was a razor bump so I didn't pay attention. Few months later I get more. So I saw a doctor she froze them off but it got worse. That's when I staring using the ACV. It works to dry them out. After that I use an aloe Vera plant to cool the stinging. Finally I put some cornstarch on them to dry it out. It's a constant battle and it makes you crazy but just remember to not give up and DO NOT scratch I know it itches but it just spreads and makes it worse.

  16. When you see one, best to pop it right away & disinfect the area. Get rid of the white head & your golden.

  17. I have Molluscum Contagiosum (MC), I think for just over a year now, and have tried many things with varying degrees of success and have just about contained it, but not managed to inflict the killer blow on it yet! I am now trying several different treatments simultaneously having found one topical treatment that does work and KILLS MC lesions DEAD quickly, which is Conzerol Be careful as it is a darkish/red brown gunky liquid, though it doesn't smell bad, that dries fairly fast in a few minutes depending on the amount applied, so make sure it has dried after application before getting dressed. I found that this kills MC lesions on areas of the body where the skin is thinner e.g. face, neck overnight and they are visibly gone the nest morning, though make sure to follow up by a applying a bit more to be certain! On larger MC lesions on parts of the body where the skin is thicker e.g. back it can take a couple of days to kill them and for the skin to fade back to a pinkish colour with ablack central cap of dried Conzerol, before it gradually flakes and returns to my skins background colour over a timescale of about a week. I have also seen Conzerol stop larger MC lesions forming on my back dead in its tracks, if you catch them early, though not always, so it must depend how eraly you catch them i.e. feel the itch. I'm not sure what the best approach is to covering MC lesions after applying Conzerol, their website says use bandages, though I sometimes used Tesco (UK) sterile blister plasters where practical, but sometimes didn't as other treatment approaches I tried before (see below) left unsightly plaster rashes that take time to heel/fade, so I try to avoid this as much as possible now. To beat MC you will need a systematic approach, determination, and the commitment of a couple of hours a day to hunt them down wherever they are lurking on your body, as well as cash to buy the supplies you will need!

  18. God bless you, OMG what a helpful page. My 3 year old just came back from the derm today, he's screaming right now cause the beetle juice hurts, but I can't wash it for another hour. I know there a lighT at the end of the tunnel.

  19. Have 8 tr old daughter with them on her inner thighs for two months now. Used acid/beetle juice. Horrible! Derm told us to put little badages over them for two hours after acid application. Unnecessary. Barely need to touch the head and let it dry then wash off within hour, max. She had hundreds, only got 40 in first app. Seems to have fewer now. Did 10 more 2nd app, the right, less painful way. Still blisteted and popped. What are others' experiences with derm acid treatments? I don't hear much about them, mostly just freezing off trmnts. Have any of you had them spread within your family?

  20. I'm not sure how long ive had MC for. Probably about a year. I do still have sex with my boyfriend and he has not shown any signs of having it. I have them on my lady parts and in my butt. When I first noticed them I thought they were razor bumps from shaving down there but I thought I should get them checked out anyways when I was at the walk in clinic. When he told me it was MC I thought it was an std and I was freaked. They have finally disappeared from my front parts but are still in my butt. Will it be safe to put acv on that area? I would do anything to get rid of them.

  21. I have this on my butt and back of my tighs, I feel completely unsexy because of it.I don't even want to have sex or be seen naked. I've been taking vinegar baths but I know I need to tape vinegar on them. I just know its going to burn and be a hassle especially in the clustered areas. spring break just started and I know I won't be in a bathing suit, this is a depressing disease

  22. It amazesme that they do not have a way to cure this. They say it is very common, I have never seen anyone else with this. I have a 2 and a half year old that has had it for a little over a year now. I tried tee tree oil and emuaid (forgot how to spell it but its homepoathic site online) didnt work. She has a 3 visits to the derma. They treated her with the acid. It was painful for her the second time. She has so many. She has excema as well so in the bends of her arms are now lots of tiny bumps from her scratching the mc bumps and the scrating excema sites. This is horriable she has them inher hairline, chest, stomach, neck, face, private area. They are taking over. This was somewhat helpful, its harder when you have a small child that is tired of having stuff put on them time and time again. Helps knowing where not alone. I can only hope & pray the medical community comes up with a cure for this.

  23. Thank you so much for this. My little girl (7) has it and I am at the end of my freaking rope trying to get rid of it. I am trying ACV starting this evening.

    1. If that doesn't work Applewel therapeutics has some great products.

  24. Dear all, my 11 year old has this. I've read everything I can find on the Internet and our first treatment is going to be a combination of tea tree oil and iodine. On the Wikipedia web page it refers to a clinical trial that says this combination worked on 16 out of 19 children. Will keep you posted!

    1. There are various research papers available. Iodine is one potential, tea tree oil another and recently pure coconut oil proved successful in a clinical trial. Five members of my family have gone through MC and we found that a combination of things works best.

      We used the advice on this site to heal them:

  25. I'm ten years old and I have mc help I don't know how to get rid of it.I'm worried it will go all over me I think I only had it for a week.

  26. There is so much information about molluscum and so many conflicting "cures". For what it is worth I recommend you have a look at what I think is the best site for information and a guide to treating the bumps. Myself, my wife and three of my children had MC and we had to find a cure that was good for very young children and adults. It seems to me that the best cure combines the good work of apple cider vinegar other natural products like clove oil and tree oil.

    Anyway, it work wonders for us!

    We used the advice on this site to heal them:

  27. I have had MC for two months now and it is making me feel as unsexy as ever. Being a girl during bikini season with MC is lame. I guess I won't be enjoying any swimming this summer. I have to have sex with my partner or I will go crazy but but I can do my clean and cover-up bumps routine before. So far my partner has shown no signs of having this virus (it's not a disease)even though I have no idea where I got it from if not from him. It showed up as 12-15 little bumps between my lady parts and thigh, which I thought was razorburn. When they grew a little I started to lose my shit, thinking I must have HPV, because I knew of nothing else that could give you warts on your sex parts. I was actually a little relived when I when to the doctor and she immediately said it was MC.

    She said she could offer me a local immune booster cream, but that her son had used it on his MC and still had it for 2 years, so I may be better of trying homeopathics and keeping the area as clean and dry as possible. I have used hydrogen peroxide to clean the area twice a day (between showers) with cotton balls. I also have little individually packaged alcohol wipes which I'm sure clean well, but they can sting a little. I have done the ACV overnight treatment 5 times now, every other day or so, and using coconut oil mixed with tea tree during the day. I have tried to go a little easy because I don't want to anger my lady parts by always having stuff down there, so I've been doing 2 days on, one day off for treatments. I also bought some neem oil soap, which is good for sensitive skin and anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and all that good stuff.

    As for ACV treatments, though I read stuff from many people said it burned, it never stung or burned for me- and I left them overnight. I use Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar. I found the most irritating things about it were the smell, the way it would irritate healthy skin, and the pain from using bandaids to hold the cotton balls. I went and bought some gauze pads to try along with my cotton balls, and also some "paper tape" - which turned out to be my very best friend. You can find it in the medical supplies section and this stuff is a miracle!! It sticks well, is TOTALLY breathable, and doesn't leave your skin sore, sticky, or dead (white and gross) the way bandaids do. I may never use a regular bandaid again unless I have to- I'll use gauze and paper tape instead. By the way, the paper tape is so easy on my skin that I use it to cover warts that aren't covered by clothing to stop it spreading during the day.


    1. continued...

      Anyways I found the easiest, least smelly way to apply the ACV overnight. I took the paper tape (which comes in a scotch-tape type container) then removed a little piece of cotton ball (big enough to cover the wart) and put it in the middle of the piece of tape. Then I soaked the cotton in ACV (just enough so that it wasn't dripping and completely saturated) and stuck it right on the spot. The point for me is to make sure the sides are sealed up with the tape so the ACV stays in and you can't smell it. YES, the paper tape is waterproof from the inside (it can come off if you wash the outside layer.) The more specifically I could place the ACV cotton balls, the better this worked and my healthy skin stayed that way. In the morning I wash with the neem oil soap, then after drying applying tea tree and coconut oil. I had read that the coconut oil seemed to stop other's MC from spreading, and even helped treat it- either way it makes your skin feel great and doesn't let the tea tree irritate it. I did find that the cotton balls worked better than the gauze, because the cotton balls can hold more ACV, but I still rip the cotton balls into much smaller pieces to apply to specific areas.

      After all this, I have only had 2 other bumps show up. One on my thumb, which I immediately treated with ACV and was barely visible after one day (though I still cover it with paper tape)the other one one my wrist which I am treating the same way. Through these treatments my spots have grown slightly larger and red, and the whiteheads became more pronounced. They are FINALLY starting to turn black (very good sign) and (I hope!) are getting ready to scab up and fall off. At least that's what I've read happens when they go away. I also have been taking a whole-food vitamin, garlic pills, and trying to get some exercise and have as little stress as possible. I'm hoping my obsessive nature will help out in getting rid of this nasty stuff.

      Thanks to everyone for posting their stories, it helped me so much from not feeling alone, hideous, helpless, and confused. I know how overwhelming and irritating it can be- and nothing will make you feel more disgusting. (I even had a staff infection once and this may take the cake) But you are not disgusting! I keep reminding myself that warts are just ugly, they don't really hurt anybody, and most of the time they do go away and doesn't always take years. I'll keep you updated on my progress, I hope this can help someone as much as other posts have helped me so far.

    2. Hi! Are you better yet? Please share how long it took you to get better. I am a 28-year-old female with MC genitally. I have had it for about two months and my bumps are just now getting bad. Please share how long before this treatment works for you. Thank you!

    3. Hi -please share your progress. I am a 20-year old female with genital MC -also have a few on my thighs. I am desperate for answers and help. I want to sleep with my new partner so badly but refuse due to this condition -he says he doesn't care but I do not want to infect him or shave down there for sex! HELP PLEASE someone.

    4. I have been struggling with MC for a few months now. Initially I thought it was razor burn so I didn't do anything to treat it. Then it started to spread. After a visit to the doctors I was told it might be MC so I searched the internet for remedies. For me, the Apple Cider Vinegar method has helped tremendously. I've been applying the ACV to cotton balls and using paper tape to hold the cotton bottle over the MC for about 5 days or so. It seems to kill the bumps quickly. Within the first night they will turn white. Then with more treatment they turn black and scab. I'd suggest you give it a shot!

  28. One more thing, a medium sized, 10x magnification mirror (for eyebrow tweezing) will allow you to actually be able to SEE what's going on down there. You want to be touching the bumps as little as possible and washing your hands after. You may still have to stand at weird angles to see the bumps with the mirror though, I know I do, hah.

  29. That's great advice. In my experience with MC apple cider vinegar (ACV) was not enough and was not good at handling molluscum under hair (on the head and elsewhere!). I found a range of treatments worked better. Like the blogger above I used the website as the basis of my treatment. Different natural products including acv is best.

  30. apple cider vinegar works great just rub it on fairly hard to pop the heads and get the vinegar burns but works.dont waste your time going to the doctor for any ointments.

  31. This stuff is about as annoying as it gets. I'm not even sure how I got it or from who but it's concentrated all in the genital region. Not having sex is terrible. I'm sure dealing with it as a female is terrible but there are certain parts of the male anatomy it's hard to get any treatment to stay on for long.

    I have read what a lot of people have done and I am taking a semi aggressive approach to clearing this up. It has more so my stubbornness and lifestyle that is leading to it spreading more. (Big time life events that cause me to outdoors sweating for long periods of time with no treatment causing rubbing and irritation, not things I can sit out on).

    So far when I've been able to treat the virus properly it has been working. I bought Conzerol and it seems to be a good product. Honestly, I'm willing to pay anything to get this gone quickly. I'm trying to take the most logical approach after read everyone's experiences.

    (1) I apply Conzerol 2-3 times daily. It is a sticky substance that seems to do a good job of staying on the legions. I also will take claritin once a day just to keep my body dried up.

    (2) When I see one of these suckers get a little size to them or the Conzerol has formed a small scab on top I go after it. I'll pop the head, squeeze out the white head (it's going to bleed) and push out as much as I can while dabbing it with an alcohol soaked cotton ball. Afterwards I'll take a shower, clean every party of my body that's partially infected with shower gel dab off with a new towel and apply more Conzerol before I go to bed.

    The Conzerol seems to serve two purposes for me. #1 drying up the areas #2 acting as a way to cover up any cuts when expelling the fluid from the legions (I know it says not to do this but I see no negative consequences). So far this seems to be working with minimal scaring, the process of popping to disappearing being about 4-7 days.

    Fingers crossed this continues to work. Unbelievably frustrating, hang in there everyone.

    1. You won't see the negative consequences of bursting the MCV lesions for several weeks when new beginning stage bumps will appear where the pus smeared on your skin. If you need advice see

  32. I am a 24 y/o male. I woke up one morning with some bumps on my pubis. I didn't think anything of it because I had recently shaved and thought it was razor burn. Until a couple weeks later when I noticed a bump on the tip of my penis. I made an appt with my PCP who confirmed it was MCV and froze a few off. He recommended I see a dermatologist.

    So I did. She prescribed me imiquimod 5% which I have been using. I have noticed it is definitely spreading and is now at the base of my penis, the pubis, and sides and underside of my scrotum. I believe I caught this while at the gym and I had touched my genital area to readjust.

    Now here is the kicker. I also take accutane and my lips are extremely dry. So I am always applying Chapstick and moisturizers liberally throughout the day. I am always washing my hands and before bed i make sure to do my face routine prior to dealing with the MCV.

    However, this morning when I woke up, I noticed some bumps on my lips. I am seriously going to kill myself if this doesn't resolve soon. Especially because I have some important interviews coming up soon. I need this gone.

    I am going to start with the ACV tonight, but does anyone have any advice for the MCV on the lips?

    I am mortified. I need help.

    1. Clove oil is a know remedy for MCV and more powerful than ACV. Clove oil was once used extensively in dental care. Be careful with it, but it should work fine on your lips. If you need advice see

  33. Have finally taken to using the apple cider vinegar around my groin and it seems to be working! my question is now that the bumps have turned black do i still need to treat or will they just scab off over the next week or so? the treatment is starting to irritate the surrounding area is all.

    Thank you

    1. I'm dying here and need some reassurance there is a cure for this dreadful virus.

      I first noticed this near my pubic region around March. Thought it was a rash from shaving but when it didn't go away I went to the STD clinic thinking it was something else. He said it was MC and that it was no big deal and if he burns it it will go away in a week and you will be all cured. Well... it is September and I still have it!

      I've gone back to the clinic three more times since back in the sping / summer. They burned it again, then said it was nothing, then recommended I should see a dermatologist since he thought it still could be nothing (they're generally small). Well, went to one dermatologist three separate times between two week spans and he just removed them with tweezers. It would always be good for a week or two and then come back. So I got a second opinion with another dermatologist and he removed them two weeks ago. Now I notice 4 more!

      I'm starting to lose my sanity here. I haven't had sex since February (thank god I don't have a girlfriend at the moment) and I try to make lame excuses to get out of situations where I'm likely to meet or hook up with people. Friends are starting to think I'm lame and I've resorted to depression and just staying in to avoid the frustration of going out and not being able to meet anyone that could lead to anything sexual. It's also affecting my professional life since I'm always in a bad mood and it's always on my mind. What the fuck do I do to get rid of this thing?!

      The first guy at ST clinic said to put a lot of baby powder down there so to keep the area dry (haven't seen that on this board so maybe good idea ;). But then I feel like every time I work out or sweat it's spreading, and I can't not work out for several months! I dry my genital region with paper towels, take multi-vitamins and generally live healthily.

      Any advice? I've got nothing, although this apple cider vinegar idea seems intriguing...

    2. 1) Have as many bumps as you can frozen off by a dermatologist. It will not work work on all of them.
      2) Ask for a prescription for Zyclara or Aldara (3.5% imiquimod). This will greatly aid in getting rid of the MC on your penis, if you have them there. It takes about 2 weeks or so to kick in. You'll know it's working because your skin will turn quite red. It will also work to a certain extent on your thighs. It really depends how the MC looks and where it is. If it is on the pubic region and the MC is quite developed with a shiny, hard white-dimpled center, not so much. For those, removing them with a needle and tweezers was the only way.

    3. Thanks for the reply. Since the last post I went to the dermatologist, he removed a few of them, and he actually gave me a prescription for the Zyclara, since I asked for something else that can aid me in this process. He said put it on at night for 8 weeks straight, and if I get a rash, stop applying, wait for the skin to heal, then continue applying. I plan on starting to do this tomorrow. You mention your skin gets red. Is this permanent or temporary (very important)??

      FYI for everyone on this board, I asked him about the apple cider vinegar and his immediate response was, "Do not take it. It will burn your penis." So I think I'll stay clear of that and try this Zyclara. He also said attitude was a major factor in its recurrence as he is a big believer in the psychosomatic relationship. So I'm trying to think positively that this will be gone in a couple months, and if I do see more bumps, continue to visit the dermatologist :)

  34. Hi I'm a 12 year old girl that has had MC for three years! Of course, it didn't bother me when I was 9 but as I grew up and started middle school, I became extremely self-conscious. I've been to two doctors and they both said that it would go away, but it still hasn't. So I tried Zyclara, but I keep forgetting to put it on three times a day. It's frustrating for me not to be able to wear bathing suits and shorts. At school, I'm always covering my elbows with my hands. Finally, I decided to search the web for solutions and found this. It has helped me so much! I couldn't believe that someone else hasn't told me before I saw this, it's such a simple solution! Thank you so much!

  35. My 8yr old daughter has had them almost 2 years. Were all over her back but eventually grew big black n red n just disapeared. Now she has a patch under her arm . Ummm about 10. Red as can b with a black spot on them. Im hoping they go away soon. She says the itch. I tell her please leave them alone. I bathe her everyday n change washclothes . They r so ugly and embarrasing. Im going to try the apple cider thing. Thank u so much!

  36. Applewel Therapeutics will be selling there products soon. They have the best products to help rid the Molluscum.

  37. From my experience - DO NOT BATH! Especially an Epsom salt bath. I had one tiny bump for months, and the moment I stepped out of a hot Epsom salt bath, I had red spots all over my vaginal area & experienced an outbreak of 10 of them in a matter of a day.

  38. Call me Muskaan. Even though I am currently using Aldara every night, can I still do the ACV treatment during the day?

  39. Thank you so much for this blog!!! You have no idea of how thankful I am to you for sharing this with everyone. I had my two daughters with Molluscum and felt hopeless after taking them to the doctors and being told that I needed to wait as it was going to go away by its own after a year or so. One doctor tried to burn them; it was very painful and didn't help it. I tried other creams they recommended with no success. My youngest scratched them and got them infected plus they started to appear in other areas. It was a nightmare. Finally I came across your blog while googling for solutions and I am happy to tell you that my oldest daughter no longer has them and my youngest, who had A LOT of them, has only about five and on their way to dry out; all the other ones have dried out completely! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for sharing your experience, so others can get rid of it faster!!! May you and your family have a very blessed New Year!!!

  40. Hi I am a 19 year old guy and I have molluscum on my penis. I have been using the avc treatment and it seems to be doing wonders. It does seem to sting a little and I was wondering if that means it's working. Also I noticed it looks a lot more gross. But could that be just because it's dying? Also my skins becoming very irritated but I figured that would happen. If anyone could give me some advice that would be incredible. Thanks for all the help everyone. You've really made me feel better about this stupid thing.

    1. Hey man I also have this on my penis and surrounding area and am gonna try ACV - did that work for you and was it safe in that area; if so how'd you apply it? Did you try anything else that worked? Also did you have sex while having it and if so how did you do it safely?

  41. Thank you all this help ! I am 20 years old, and have molloscums on my neck. I'm using the AVC treatment right now, it seems that they're turning black, but I don't know if my skin is burning or it is really working, please help I don't know if I'm doing everything you said right !

  42. I've had this for about three years now. It's on my upper arms for sure, and maybe my face. The problem here is, it. Just. Looks. Like. Acne. I still forget sometimes. Recently, I went to visit my mother and asked her house to get rid of body acne. She asked to see it, and I showed her. Apparently, she's a carrier and all of my siblings had it, and I got through it when I was younger by not touching it and chlorine. So now that I know, I'm starting that tangent again.

  43. I just recently found out that I had MCV, I'm going the apple cidar vinegar treatment along with another cream that the Dr. gave me, how long should it take for everything to clear up

  44. Thank you so much for the information!! :) You have answered every question that I have been searching for! Just would like to know how long did you abstain from sex? And did your partner have to get treated too? I too, am sensitive to band aids and i get rashes from them.
    Thanks again! :)

  45. I have never posted on a blog before, but I promised myself if I found something that helped my 11 year old son's molluscum, then I would share the info as I know how desperate I have been to get rid of it. He's had it for about 8 months and is very embarressed about it. I have tried imiquimod, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and manuka honey. None of these solutions helped and after the honey my son's molluscum went from individual bumps on the back of his legs and thighs to large areas of angry red skin and lots of bumps on his knees, thighs, ankles and elbows. I decided to try thuja cream as I had read of some people having success with it. I am ecstatic to say that his molluscum improved dramatically almost straight away and now ten days later it has almost disappeared. I am rubbing thuja cream on twice a day and also giving him a thuja tablet twice a day. After his shower at night I look for any bumps that are about to pop and I pop the white core out making sure not to spread any of it. Then I cover it with some thuja cream and a bandaid. I bought the cream and tablets from Newton's Pharmacy in York Street Sydney (opposite the QVB). The cream is "thuja cream - contains 10% of thuja extract in a moisturising vegetable sorbolene base", and the tablets are thuja 30C globules. They are tiny round tablets that you dissolve under your tongue. They are sweet. Take one twice a day, and don't eat or drink for half an hour either side of taking tablet to let it absorb better. I'm not sure if this is necessary but I did it anyway.I have no idea why this has worked for my son when other treatments that were successful for others didn't help him, but I am extrmely grateful that it has. I truly hope this can help someone.

  46. Apple cider vinegar with cotton balls, no double dipping. Do this every night after shower (NO BATHS) and use only clean towels, PJs and clothes, wash EVERYTHING after he/she wears it once. My daughter's year long battle ended this way in about 4 weeks. They are effectively GONE. I will still use it until I see nothing, but be warned each dab will sting the bump for a minute, but its very temporary and means its WORKING. You want them to get angry and red and swelled up, because then they pop, scab, and fall off.

  47. To all of you who say your bumps go away after fighting it for a year or two... Molluscum will EVENTUALLY clear up on its own, and can take anywhere from 6 months to 4 years to clear up. So, my question is, how do you know that your treatments are what cleared it up, instead of it clearing up by its own natural disease process?

  48. With God grace and blessing guided me to the cure for Molluscum. Don't waste time with tea tree,apple cider,and the host of all the other that don't work.Tozorac is the cure. Its very expensive $400 without insurance $230 with. Best 230 I every spend in my life for my 7 year old daughter. It started at the opening of one of her nostrils and started covering her whole face. 6months of trying everything and within 2to3weeks of using Tozorac completely gone praise God because I prayed for hos guides that led me to this medicine. Please don't waste anymore time.

  49. This comment goes out to anyone who has tried this treatment-
    I recently started the routine of taking a shower at night with Neutrogena face wash on the areas with mc, drying off, putting small cotton balls soaked in acv on all the bumps with water proof band aids. I dont take it off for 24 hours.
    I find it burns a little for the first few minutes, and then after it's on fire. I'm in so much pain that I have to take a couple extra strength Tylenol's in order for it to not burn so much. Is that normal? Does anyone else have that reaction?
    I don't make the cotton balls too big so that the acid burns my skin, so I'd like to hear some peoples solutions or thoughts!
    Thank you !

  50. For me a cream called conzerol was the trick, I've spent a lot, I mean a lot!!! of money trying to het rid of this. I was so desperate that I decided trying another method, I was in for all.. I could see remarkable results in the first week. My treatment with this cream took around 3 weeks and half, I had like 40 lesions in my body. Spent two tubes. I really hope that I've helped someone with my story.

    Oh yes, where can you buy it?? thois is the link my friends:

  51. I've read so many comment about this Conzerol cream, that I've decided to try it.

    Thank you guys!!!

  52. Our daughter had this for two Years and we tried EVERYTHING!!! ACV, Tea Tree oil etc! Until we found 'THE' cure!!! I have pics of the process as well as before and after pics.

    Day one - apply DUCT tape to the effected area/ bump, keep it on for 24 hours. When you peel it off you child feels nothing from the _found, just like pulling a bandaid off. Then clean the area with hydrogen peroxide with a cotton ball until the white bubbling is nearly gone, dab the are dry and repeat the hydrogen peroxide. Now you will put the DUCT tape on again for 24 hours and repeat the process for 3 Days. IT WORKS!!!! I have heard from others who tried my method and it WORKS!!! Our daughter started out with three bumps, after 2 years she had over 20, we took it into our own hands since we were told there is nothing we can do, let it run its course! DUCK TAPE works!!!!!! It was our last resort and it was a blessing! GOOD LUCK!!

  53. When the doctor told me "It's no big deal" but in the same sentence explained that I should not have sex while I have this and then I go online to find out that this may last up to 4 years... I really start to wonder what the hell doctors are thinking. This is a pretty fucking BIG deal. It's ruining my life. And my confidence is at 0%.

    I would like to ask if someone knows the lifetime of the bacteria once it travels outside of the skin and touches a towel or something like that. Make no mistake, I will be washing the towel after each use. But it would be nice to know.

  54. Cured my 9-yr daughter with homeopathic sulphur 1M (from a Homeopath) along with hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, and vitamin E oil applied several times a day. She had over 120 bumps on the back of her legs. At least 20 were gone by the first week and she was clear in about 2-3 months. The pediatrician had recommended tea tree oil or an expensive cream in addition to frequent laundry and said it would probably run its course in two years. The homeopathic remedy was the key for us! Unfortunately a year later now my 5-yr has it. Blech!

  55. I almost forgot we used iodine also several times a day (see my comment above).

  56. Please advice the complete procedure to open these with needles. I have tried a few and there seem to be very tiny new ones popping up.

  57. Popping often works, though. I popped every single one after I got cryotherapy and more spread-- and now they're just fading scabs and blemishes. Nothing new has spread. It really can work for some people!

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  59. Join me celebrate for these great and perfect day which my lord god has done for using these great and powerful healing doctor called doctor Alika to heal my sickness Molluscum Contagiosum which has been chocking me up for over 1year now without solutions, i have seek for solutions online, and through hospital, they keep on giving me orientations about drugs that can extand my since doctor alika has helped me to erased my disease out of my life, i we owe you greatly for healing me truly and to again, contact doctor ALIKA for your cure today at:

  60. Join me celebrate for these great and perfect day which my lord god has done for using these great and powerful healing doctor called doctor Alika to heal my sickness Molluscum Contagiosum which has been chocking me up for over 1year now without solutions, i have seek for solutions online, and through hospital, they keep on giving me orientations about drugs that can extand my since doctor alika has helped me to erased my disease out of my life, i we owe you greatly for healing me truly and to again, contact doctor ALIKA for your cure today at:

  61. I recently end natural treatment from herbalist healer which i used to got rid of my genital warts i only applied the treatment for one week, it so amazing i have eliminate this disease out from my body, i also recommend everyone suffering from this horrible disease should also be cure you can reach Dr sam via email;

  62. i got hpv from my boyfriend and i was trying all i could do to get rid of this virus over 4 months now i have taking a lot of drugs from different medical doctor which didn't work at all, last month i was doing some research on google on how to get cured totally from this virus i found someone testimony on how she got cured totally from hpv with the help of doc. onokun natural herbs and she drop doc onokun email address, So i decide to give him a try and i contact him for help he told how to purchase the natural herbs and i did that, Do you believe i only took this herbs for 2 weeks and i got cured permanently from the hpv virus without no side effect. Thank you so much doc onokun for the help i will make sure i tell the whole world about you. contact him if you need his help too via:

  63. Life is always beautiful when you have good health. For almost a year had Hpv and I was lonely and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind and Great Dr Onokun who helped me cure my Hpv and today I am free from Hpv and very healthy thank you so much Dr Onokun Email him via:  or website: or

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